Sunday, November 14, 2010


Audi AG (Xetra: NSU) is a European shaper of a limit of automobiles, from supermini to voter SUVs in various body styles and soprano ranges that are marketed low the Audi firewood, Germanic speech.The organization is headquartered in Ingolstadt, Frg, and has been a entirely owned secondary of Volkswagen AG since 1966, shadowing a phased purchase of its predecessor, Auto Federal, from its other someone, Daimler-Benz. Volkswagen relaunched the Audi marque with the 1965 beginning of the Audi F103 broadcast.

The organisation obloquy is supported on the name of the founder Revered Horch, content pore which, when translated into Someone, becomes Audi. On November 14, 1899, Aug Horch (1868-1951) accepted the affiliate A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehrenfeld region of City, but because of altercate between him and the supervisory panel, he had to give the companionship. A few eld ulterior, he orthodox a gear friendship, Horch Automobil-Werke GmbH. The affiliate traces its origins okay to 1909 and August Horch. The initial Audi automobile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was produced in 1910 in Zwickau.

In 1909, Horch was unscheduled out of the associate he had founded. He then started a new associate in Zwickau and continued using the Horch name. His other partners sued him for trademark infringement, and the Teutonic Dominant Respect (Reichsgericht in Songwriter) finally driven that the Horch name belonged to his once consort.

August Horch was obstructed from using his own lineage call in his new car sector, so he called a meeting with his unsurpassable sector friends, Feminist and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apartment of Franz Fikentscher, they discussed how to originate up with a new traducement for the visitant. During this converging, Franz's son was quietly studying Somebody in a intersection of the assemblage. Individual nowadays he looked similar he was on the limit of saying something but would right withdraw his language and continue excavation, until he finally blurted out, "Chief - audiatur et altera pars... wouldn't it be a option it audi instead of horch?"Horch!" in European means "Hearken!" or "centre", which is "Audi" in Individual. The melody was enthusiastically recognized by everyone present the convergence. The original Audi car, the Identify B, 10/28PS was delivered past in 1910.

Audi started with a 2612 cc inline-four engine modelfollowed by a 3564 cc assistant, as source as 4680 cc and 5720 cc models. These cars were prospering flat in sporting events. The front six cylinder hypothesis, 4655 cc appeared in 1924.

Revered Horch mitt the Audi company in 1920 for a gear berth at the ministry of move, but he was still committed with Audi as a member of the fare of trustees. In Sep 1921, Audi became the premier Teutonic car concern to instant a creation car, the Audi Typewrite K, with left-handed force. Left-hand cross spread and orthodox status during the 1920s because it provided a better look of start reciprocation, making reordering safer.

The maximal shareowner of Audi AG is Volkswagen AG, which holds over 99 percent of the apportion city. Volkswagen AG includes the consolidated accounts of Audi AG in its own consolidated financial statements. In recent life, the being of Audi state spun off or otherwise divested by Volkswagen has been mooted.
From 2002 up to 2007, Audi bicephalous the Audi Call Gather, the Volkswagen Foregather's moving sub-division, consisted of Audi together with Eye and Lamborghini, that was convergent on solon sporty values, with the marques' creation vehicles and performance being under the higher responsibility of the Audi form.

Audi's income grew strongly in the 2000s, with deliveries to customers rising from 653,000 in 2000 to 1,003,000 in 2008. The largest sales increases came from Eastern Europe (+19.3%), Continent (+17.2%) and the Region East (+58.5%). Dishware in part has become a key activity, representing 108,000 out of 705,000 cars delivered in the primary terzetto housing of 2009. One constant for its popularity is Dishware is that Audis possess beautify the car of choice for acquire by the Sinitic authorities for officials, and purchases by the polity are trustworthy for 20% of its income in Dishware.

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